Mueller: The Man In The Crosshairs
In a bar located in downtown Washington DC, the front door opens slowly. A man sticks his head through the door and quickly glances left and right, as if he expects to see a stocker waiting for him. Apparently whoever he is looking for isn’t in tonight because the door opens and the man enters. […]
Sinclair is being attacked for suggesting they will do real journalism
“Unfortunately some members of the media use their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda to control exactly what people think. This is dangerous for democracy.“ That is the quote Sinclair had its journalists read on air. People find that to be an objectionable statement? Keep in mind mainstream news outlets cut out […]
My Apology
Last week I tweeted Stormy Daniels with a vicious and disgusting tweet for which I hereby offer my sincere apology. The tweet inferred that President Trump would never have had sexual relations with Stormy Daniels because she had a venereal disease and was only attractive because her voice sounded like a 12-year-old girl. First, let’s […]
How To Challenge Sanctuary City Status
I am an attorney who practices in Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. In limited circumstances I can practice in other states with the assistance of local counsel. The purpose of this piece is to outline a possible method of challenging local officials designation of a state or city as a sanctuary for illegal immigrants. The perfect […]
Armed Federal Agents May Patrol Voting Locations
A new DHS funding authorization bill would allow, upon the President’s orders, armed Federal Secret Service agents to be present at voting locations in the next election. You can read the rationale provided by the Secret Service in the linked article. However, there is no purpose to having such agents be dispatched to polling places […]
What About Those Who Own Bump Stocks?
Whether you love the bump stock or hate the bump stock, this should matter to you. The Trump administration is considering outlawing possession of the bump stock. I can understand outlawing the sale of an item. But, outlawing possession of an item? It seems to me, considering I can read the constitution, that Government cannot […]
Violent Video Games And School Shootings, When Conservatives Turn Into Liberals
It’s amazing to me how many “conservatives“ since the school shooting are appearing on FOXNews arguing for restrictions on violent TV shows and video games because of their unfounded accusations that they cause school shootings. Funny how “small government conservatives“ immediately switch to big government morons when they see a chance to exploit a catastrophe […]
Why I have Been Gone
many of you have been asking about my wellbeing because I have not been on air for the last several weeks. On January 8th, I fainted from dehydration. At the time, i was carrying glasses: taking them to the kitchen sink. With a sound of breaking glass, the items I had in my hand shattered […]
Now That Net Neutrality Has Been Repealed Get Ready For A Slower Internet
Conservative talk show hosts are all saying net neutrality will allow the government to control speech. But have they controlled speech online since net neutrality went into place in 2015? The answer is no. Net neutrality is intended to prevent your Internet provider from discriminating against content. With the growth of online streaming services, in […]