
Why SCOTUS Should Be Kept At 8 Justices

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Last night president Donald trump announced Neil Gorsuch as his chosen nominee to fill the shoes left by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. On last night’s radio show, I discussed the jurisprudence of Judge, soon to be Justice, Gorsuch. As a conservative, I am concerned about the ever increasing power of the Supreme Court. […]

I Hate Telephone Surveys. Payback Is A Bitch

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This just happened about five minutes ago. I called Verizon in order to have something done to my account. Their automated system called me back and asked if I was satisfied with the service I received. It always happens whenever you call Verizon and have something done. These type of computer generated calls infuriate me. […]

Donald Trump Plays The Media Like A Violin

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The media is making a huge deal out of Donald Trump’s latest tweet that he wants an investigation into voter fraud. But if you look at his Twitter timeline, the voter fraud tweet was tweeted right after an announcement that he will be presenting his Supreme Court nominees next week. Over the weekend Donald Trump […]

NBC: The National Broadcasting Crooks

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The latest fake controversy generated by those outlets so concerned with fake news, is that Donald Trump has an impermissible conflict by owning a stake in the apprentice airing on NBC. But if NBC thinks there’s a conflict with Donald Trump having an interest in the apprentice, wouldn’t NBC also have a conflict of interest […]

Facebook’s Huge Mistake With Fake News

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The rumors are that Facebook intends on screening out what it considers to be “fake news.” I hope Facebook investors are ready for the endless controversies which occur once Facebook starts into the news production business. That’s what screening stories entails. Facebook will no longer be an impartial medium by which people use to spread […]

Why Democrats Should Be Protesting Pelosi And Reid

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Democrats who are angry about losing to #DonaldTrump shouldn’t be protesting Trump. Instead, they should be protesting Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Democrats lost the house in 2010, lost more seats in 2012, lost the Senate in 2014, and now have lost the White House in 2016.  The only reason why Barack Obama one in […]

Here’s Why Obama’s Approval Rating Is High

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Yes, Barack Obama’s approval rating is high. No one can seem to figure out why President Obama’s approval rating is so high when over half of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction. But it’s not hard to understand. People don’t like how the country is going. They have not felt the […]

Hypocrite Hildebeast Will Not Concede

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how surprising. After criticizing Trump for suggesting he wouldn’t except the election result, Hillary’s campaign director announced that Clinton will not concede the election tonight. As of now, 2:30 AM, 99.9% of the vote is in. Unless she one, which she’s not going to do, every remaining state including Arizona or Alaska, she will not […]

Millennial’s Election Day Enema

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It’s almost time for my fellow millennials, who are loyal Democrats, to get out and vote for Hillary Clinton. In case you were confused about which candidate Hillary is, here is some help. She’s the candidate who believes she should be given a position just because she is a woman. She’s the candidate who stabbed […]

Michigan & Pennsylvania Terrify HRC

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In these last few days of this election, the Clinton campaign has been focusing upon two states that traditionally vote Democrat: these being Michigan and Pennsylvania. The media would have us believe there is no way Donald Trump can flip these states. However, in the last two weeks both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have […]